Jenni Hiltunen




Mimmo Scognamiglio Artecontemporanea ospita per la seconda volta una personale della giovane artista finlandese Jenni Hiltunen. Dopo Pretty Absence del 2013, la mostra Glass Walls porta avanti la riflessione sull’immagine e l’apparire come condizione dell’esistenza e della donna quale oggetto di indagine privilegiato.

Hiltunen rappresenta sé stessa e tutte le donne allo stesso tempo, cogliendo uno stato d’animo ben preciso, quello in cui si smette di fingere, si smette di posare, un momento imperfetto e per questo denso di significato.

Non a caso un tema ricorrente nella sua ricerca artistica è la fotografia di moda e la “posing culture” creata dai social media e dalla rete che mostrano un’esistenza perfetta, edulcorata e che rappresenta esattamente la vita che vorremmo vivere o meglio il copione che stiamo recitando.

La donna ritratta da Jenni Hiltuten va al di là del concetto standard di femminilità e delle divisioni di genere, è una donna fluida che supera ed elabora il ruolo per lei prefissato nella società contemporanea. I dipinti dell’artista vogliono diventare un oggetto di identificazione, raccontare sentimenti reali in contesti quotidiani.

Per questo usa una pittura densa e risoluta, campiture contrastate di colore saturo, pennellate che lasciano il segno della materia sulla tela e che in un certo senso dimostrano le dissonanze che ci sono nel mondo e, allo stesso tempo, l’energia positiva che queste e i colori possono sprigionare.

Hiltunen ritrae modelle che sono stanche di posare, la loro immagine è esacerbata e il loro atteggiamento sprezzante, ma introverso. L’atto stesso del dipingere ha trasformato l’immagine di partenza, evidenziando i particolari più reali e personali, analizzando la realtà in tutte le sue sfaccettature, più o meno gradevoli, rilevando a volte i difetti ma con un intento catartico. Queste donne sembrano in attesa ma in realtà stanno semplicemente vivendo il presente e il glass wall è la pittura che ci permette di guardare al di là del muro, nella vita reale.

La mostra è accompagnata da un catalogo con testo critico di Antonio D’Amico.


Nata nel 1981 a Hollola, FIN | Vive e lavora a Helsinki

Solo shows:

2018 Växjö Konsthall, Växjö, Sweden

2017 Nothing Else Matters, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki    

2013 Endless Nameless, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki

Pretty Absence, Mimmo Scognamiglio Artecontemporanea, Milan, Italy 

Group shows:

2017 Me: Self-Portraits Through Time, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Helsinki

2016–2017 Kiasma’s Collection Exhibition, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki

2015 Touch / Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection Exhibition, Emma – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Espoo, Finland

Too much a good thing, Nordic Contemporary, Paris

2014 Together, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki        Dreamworld, The Newbridge Project Space, Newcastle, UK

I want Love, Rox Gallery, New York, NY

Northern Souls, Space Station 65, London, 


Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Finland

Matti Koivurinta Foundation, Finland

Finnish Art Collection, Finland

Finnish Art Society, Finland

Kansan Sivistysrahasto, Päivi and Paavo Lipponen Trust Art Collection – deposited at Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Finland

Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Finland

Saastamoinen Foundation, Finland

The Collection of Finnish State Art Commission, Finland


Mimmo Scognamiglio Artecontemporanea hosts for the second time the solo show of the young Finnish artist Jenni Hiltunen. After Pretty Absence in 2013, this exhibition, titled Glass Walls, brings forward the reflection on the image and the appearing as a condition of existence and the idea of woman as a subject of privileged inquiry.

Hiltunen represents herself and all women at the same time, capturing a definite state of mind, the one in which she stops pretending, stops posing, an imperfect moment and for this dense meaning.

In fact a recurring theme in her artistic research is fashion photography and the "posing culture" created by social media and the network that show a perfect, sugar-coated existence which represent exactly the life we would like to live or rather the script that we are reciting.

The woman portrayed by Jenni Hiltuten goes beyond the standard concept of femininity and gender divisions, is a fluent woman who goes above and develops the pre-established role for her in the contemporary society. Jenni Hiltunen’s paintings want to become an object of identification, to tell real feelings in everyday contexts.

That’s way she uses a dense and resolute painting, in contrast, saturated, brush strokes that leave the sign of matter on the canvas and show the dissonances that are in the world and, at the same time, the positive energy that these and the colors can sprinkle.

Hiltunen portrays models who are tired of posing, their image is exacerbated and their attitude is scornful but introvert. The act of painting has transformed the starting image, highlighting the most realistic and personal details, analyzing reality in all its facets, more or less pleasing, sometimes detecting defects but with a cathartic intent. These women seem to be waiting but in reality they are simply living the present and the glass wall is the painting that allows us to look beyond the wall in the real life.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog with critical text by Antonio D'Amico.


Born in Hollola in 1981, FIN | Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland

Solo shows:

2018 Växjö Konsthall, Växjö, Sweden

2017 Nothing Else Matters, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki        

2013 Endless Nameless, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki

Pretty Absence, Mimmo Scognamiglio Artecontemporanea, Milan, Italy 

Group shows:

2017 Me: Self-Portraits Through Time, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Helsinki

2016–2017 Kiasma’s Collection Exhibition, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki

2015 Touch / Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection Exhibition, Emma – Espoo Museum of Modern Art, Espoo, Finland

Too much a good thing, Nordic Contemporary, Paris

2014 Together, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki        Dreamworld, The Newbridge Project Space, Newcastle, UK

I want Love, Rox Gallery, New York, NY

Northern Souls, Space Station 65, London, 


Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation, Finland

Matti Koivurinta Foundation, Finland

Finnish Art Collection, Finland

Finnish Art Society, Finland

Kansan Sivistysrahasto, Päivi and Paavo Lipponen Trust Art Collection – deposited at Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Finland

Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Finland

Saastamoinen Foundation, Finland

The Collection of Finnish State Art Commission, Finland